
Showing posts from November, 2020

How I Made My Sesame Street Party

  Hi there. It’s me, Noah. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably seen the pictures I posted of my 18th birthday party on Facebook, and wanted to know more about how it all came to be. Well, fear not, for in this blog I’ll detail everything that I did to turn my backyard into everyone’s favorite street. So sit back, relax, grab a cookie, and enjoy. It started around May of this year, I was sitting around thinking of Sesame Street, and how my backyard kinda looks like Sesame Street, when suddenly, it hit me… “(Gasps) I could turn my backyard into Sesame Street! Oh, wait a minute, but when? It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to just do it any random day. Oh right! My birthday is in four months! I can do it then! Aw right, but it’s on a Tuesday. Then, I’ll just do it on a Saturday! Yeah, that’s when I’ll do it!” So, I told my parents about my idea, and they agreed. Though there was one slight issue, and that was we had to move out soon, luckily Dad was able to convince our landlord to exten