
Showing posts from June, 2022

My San Diego Sesame Place Experience

  The first time I ever heard about the Philadelphia amusement park known as Sesame Place, was sometime in either 2014 or 2015, when I stumbled across their website. Naturally, a theme park based around one of my favorite shows was a place I really wanted to go to, but I couldn’t. Because it was located in Pennsylvania, and we live in California, which is on the other side of the USA, entirely. And my family and I didn’t have enough money for that kind of vacation. So, that was the end of that. And Sesame Place just became a place I thought about every now and then and hoped to one day have enough to go there one day. Then, in 2019 (AKA: Sesame Street’s 50th Anniversary, a new type of Sesame Place was opened up in the SeaWorld theme park in Orlando, Florida. Simply titled “Sesame Street Land”, it was a small part of the park that replaced Shamu’s Happy Harbour, and another place that I was dead-set on visiting. But geographical convenience has a very sick sense of humor, as Florida and

TSSR- Season 2 (1970-1971)

  Sequels, by definition, are published, broadcast, or recorded works that continue the story or develop the theme of an earlier one. To quote The Unlucky Tug: “A good sequel ultimately shows growth from the previous, raises the stakes a bit, and most importantly, feels necessary.” And I can say with 100% certainty that a second season for Sesame Street was definitely necessary, since the first season, while good enough on its own had characters and educational concepts that could be changed and expanded on. Season 2 does just that, and then some. How you may ask? Let’s jump right into this installment and find out. This is Sesame Street Season 2. Production History So after Sesame Street aired the final episode of season 1, it had already captured the hearts and minds of the public, so it was pretty telling that Children’s Television Workshop was going to be back for more. And they were. Most of the main team was back. David D. Connell was still the executive producer, Joe Raposo was