
Showing posts from November, 2022

Noah and Friends Discuss Their Favorite Sesame Street Characters

  53 years ago, on this very day, a little street with a giant canary, an orange trash creature, and a frog debuted on public television for the world to see and learn from, and since then it’s gone on to be the most famous piece of preschool media, an ingrained staple of pop culture, and one of my two favorite TV shows of all time. To celebrate the best address in New York City turning 53 years old, I wanted to focus on the one thing that makes Sesame Street as excellent as it is: The residents it houses. So, I decided to gather as many of my friends in the Muppet community as I could, have them talk about THEIR favorite characters, and combined all of their thoughts together to make this blog post. Enjoy! Kim Sonta Repsha Hi, my name is Kim Repsha, and I'm a 54-year-old Sesame Street addict. Well, FANatic that is. But if anyone could be addicted to Sesame Street, that would be me! I don't want anyone's pity, but I was born in 1968, and somehow made it through a whole year