
Showing posts from March, 2021

Sesame Seeds (Episode 5): Gordon Robinson

  Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Sesame Seeds. The series where we look at the progression of a Sesame Street character, from humble beginnings to the present day. Today is a very special episode, because not only are we tackling our first human character, but we’re also tackling one of the first human characters ever, Gordon. Now I’d say Gordon, along with Maria, is one of the two human characters, even people who don’t pay that much attention to the show know exists, so naturally, he has quite a bit of history on him. In fact, I’d go as far to say that Gordon has more history than he has hair, but that’s not really saying much. I’ll start this off by saying Gordon looked WAY different than he does now, and it’s not just because of the hair. When Joan Ganz Cooney was figuring out what types of human characters to make for the show, one of the characters she envisioned was a black man named Gordon, (After photographer Gordon Parks) who would take the role of the responsible fathe

Sesame Seeds (Episode 4): Cookie Monster

  Greeting, everyone! Welcome back to Sesame Seeds, the series where we look at the progression of a Sesame Street character, from humble beginnings to the present day. I’ve actually been looking forward to this episode quite a bit, because today we’re gonna take a look at my favorite Sesame Street character, Cookie Monster. Despite his name, there’s more to his origins than just eating cookies. So grab every snack you can find, cause we’re taking a deep bite into Cookie Monster’s history. Unlike the first four characters in this series, Cookie Monster goes way back to before Sesame Street was even thought of. Jim Henson was known for using his muppets for many commercials in the 60s, and in 1966, he would make a commercial for three snacks called Wheels, Flutes and Crowns. The commercial revolved around three different monsters (The Wheel Stealer, The Flute Snatcher, and The Crown Grabber) who were each known for robbing people of these snacks and eating them themselves. Sadly, the co

Sesame Seeds (Episode 3): Bert and Ernie

  Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Sesame Seeds, the series where we look at the progression of a Sesame Street character, from humble beginnings to the present day. But this time, we’re actually looking at two characters. Two characters who may go down as the greatest TV duo of all time. … Okay, aside from Troy and Abed. … And Phineas and Ferb. … And SpongeBob and Patrick. … And Stewie and Brian. … Okay look, it’s Bert and Ernie, alright?! And for the record, they came before all those other duos I just listed, so technically, that makes them the greatest. Two very different sides of the same coin, Ernie and Bert have shown us the many ups and many downs of friendship and roommate-hood, but just how did they get the ability to do this? Let’s go down into the basement and find out. Sesame Street was still under construction, and Jim Henson had made designs for two new muppets. Then, Don Sahlin translated these sketches into a short, orange, oval-headed muppet, with a purple and orange hor