
Showing posts from June, 2024

TSSR- Season 9 (1977-1978)

  Hi, everyone! Welcome back to the Sesame Street Retrospective! Where we’re just trucking along from one awesome season to another. This time we’re tackling season 9. I gotta say revisiting this era of the show has been a very wild and pleasing experience, and season 9 was no different. A lot of really fun stories and bits spawned in this era, and I can’t wait to talk about them, so let’s jump right into it. Production History Sixth verse, same as the first. The Children’s Television Workshop crew came back to their studio in Teletape to film episodes for the new season, and not a lot changed while doing so. …But then, in the summer from July to August, the street gang headed off to the Hawaiian island of Kauai for another multi-episode story arc about them going to visit Buffy in her new home, which again, I will talk about in the next section. But before that, really quickly, I’d like to say that season 9 debuted on November 28, 1977, and ended on May 26, 1978. Overview To be honest