
Showing posts from December, 2022

Angela Kinsey on Pester

  (It starts with Angela Kinsey on a purple background.) Angela: Hi, I’m Angela, and I’m here to talk to you about the word “pester”. Now when you pester someone, you annoy them with constant interruptions, like say you’re- (Just then, she hears Ernie’s laugh as he comes onscreen) Ernie: (between laughter) Good one, Rubber Duckie! Angela: Uh, Ernie? Ernie: (noticing) Oh, hi Angela! Guess what? Rubber Duckie told me a hilarious joke, and you just gotta hear it, it’s so funny! Angela: Well, I’d love to Ernie, but- Ernie: (Cutting her off) Okay, if you insist! Here it is! (clears throat) What is a duck’s favorite dipping sauce? Angela: (sighs) I don’t know. What is a duck’s favorite dipping sauce? Ernie: Quack-amole! (laughs) Aw, isn’t that the funniest thing you’ve ever heard in your life?!? Angela: Well sure, but Ernie, Ernie, I’m kind of in the middle of teaching the audience about today’s word, and you’re kinda, in the way, a little. Ernie: (realizing) Oooooooh! Well,

11 New Sesame Street Human Characters

  If there’s one thing I think that most of us Sesame Street fans can agree on, it’s that the show seriously needs more human characters in its current cast roster. I mean, yeah the muppets are awesome and fantastic, no doubt about it, but what made previous seasons of the show so entertaining was that for all of the zany and goofy puppet characters, there was also a broad selection of real people who had their own agendas, issues, and viewpoints that gave their fur and felt screen partners plenty of material to bounce off of. Plus, they helped make Sesame Street feel like a real place where anyone could come and visit. Now that the main human cast only consists of four main members, quite a bit of that authentic feel is gone from the most recent. Plus, I don’t think it's unreasonable to assume that Alan, Chris, Suki, and Violet could use some more people to interact with, besides themselves. So, I took the liberty of coming up with 11 new original human characters, with names, bio