Angela Kinsey on Pester


(It starts with Angela Kinsey on a purple background.)

Angela: Hi, I’m Angela, and I’m here to talk to you about the word “pester”. Now when you pester someone, you annoy them with constant interruptions, like say you’re-

(Just then, she hears Ernie’s laugh as he comes onscreen)

Ernie: (between laughter) Good one, Rubber Duckie!

Angela: Uh, Ernie?

Ernie: (noticing) Oh, hi Angela! Guess what? Rubber Duckie told me a hilarious joke, and you just gotta hear it, it’s so funny!

Angela: Well, I’d love to Ernie, but-

Ernie: (Cutting her off) Okay, if you insist! Here it is! (clears throat) What is a duck’s favorite dipping sauce?

Angela: (sighs) I don’t know. What is a duck’s favorite dipping sauce?

Ernie: Quack-amole! (laughs) Aw, isn’t that the funniest thing you’ve ever heard in your life?!?

Angela: Well sure, but Ernie, Ernie, I’m kind of in the middle of teaching the audience about today’s word, and you’re kinda, in the way, a little.

Ernie: (realizing) Oooooooh! Well, why didn’t you say so?! We’ll let you carry on with your talk, right Rubber Duckie? (Squeaks Rubber Duckie; laughs)

Angela: (giggles) Thanks, you two.

Ernie: Okay, bye Angela! Say goodbye, Rubber Duckie! (Squeaks Rubber Duckie as he leaves)

Angela: Bye, Ernie! Bye, Rubber Duckie! (chuckles) Anyway, an example of pestering someone would be something like-

Cookie Monster: (rushing in) Angela Angela Angela Angela Angela!!!

Angela: Cookie, Cookie, what’s wrong?!?

Cookie Monster: Angela, me so glad me found you because me need to ask you really important emergency question!

Angela: Well, what’s your question?

Cookie Monster: Do you… have a cookie?

(Angela gives Cookie a deadpan look.)

Angela: (unimpressed) No, Cookie Monster. I do not have any cookies for you.

Cookie Monster: ….Oh. …Okay. Me just thought me’d ask.

Angela: (under her breath) Of course you did.

Cookie Monster: Okay, uh, me just going to go see, if there cookie somewhere else.

Angela: Please do.

(Cookie Monster exits)

Angela: (groans) So, anyway, I-

Cookie Monster: (peering his head back) You sure you no got cookies? Like, you 100% sure?

Angela: (groans again) Yes, I’m 100% sure, Cookie.

Cookie Monster: Okay, okay. Me just making sure. (leaves)

Angela: (looks around)…Okay, it looks like there’s no one else around, so now I can finally give you an example of pestering someone. Let’s say you’re on the phone, and-

Grover: (Popping up) HEY, ANGIE BABYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

(Angela groans, as Grover runs up to her, and gives her a slap on the back.)

Grover: How are you today, Angela? Because however you are, you are about to be a whole lot better! For I, your cute, adorable, trusty pal Grover, am here to help you with whatever you need!

Angela: (frustrated) Ugh! Grover, I don’t need any help right now!! I’m trying to talk about the word pester, but every time I try to do that everyone keeps… pestering me!!!

Grover: Pestering you?

Angela: (Still frustrated) Yes!! First, it was Ernie and his duck joke, then Cookie Monster comes up and asks me for cookies, and now you come along yelling and asking to help me when all I want to do is let people know what’s it like to pester someone, and I-... Wait a minute. Grover!

Grover: Yes?

Angela: I think you just helped me!

Grover: I did?

Angela: Yeah! Pester means to annoy someone, and Ernie was annoying me, Cookie was annoying me, and you were annoying me, too! So that means the three of you were pestering me! This is great!

Grover: Ah ah, no need to thank me,  Angie. It is all in a day’s work.

Angela: Well, you did a very good job.

Grover: Thank you.

Angela and Grover: Pester! (laugh)



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