
Showing posts from November, 2023

11 Reasons Why The Barbie Movie Doesn't Work For Me

  (WARNING: This review WILL contain major spoilers, so if you haven’t seen it already, I suggest you do.) So, Barbie huh? I don’t think anyone was expecting Barbie to be the politically charged controversial hit that it was, especially not when it was alongside Oppenheimer.  I went into Barbie knowing nothing other than what the trailers showed me, and I was prepared to have a good time with another Mattel-related franchise. But when I finished the movie, something about it felt off to me, and I couldn’t really explain or articulate my feelings towards it. Now I know I already made a review of this movie, but those were my first impressions from seeing the movie for the first time. Now that a few months have passed, and I’ve had time to actually gather and ponder my thoughts, I wanted to make this updated review to explain my Barbie opinions in more detail. Now Barbie is one of those movies that tends to be seen as mostly black and white, as most people either love it or hate it. Me?